4 min readSep 19, 2021


Avoid Ad Swaps Like The Plauge

Before I explain why I don’t like ad swaps, let’s talk about list building for a minute… Everyone says the money is in the list. And then there’s another group of people (me included) who say that “the money is in the relationship with the list”. But simply building great relationships with your list is not enough. You can’t make sales if you’re building the wrong kind of list. I’m talking about building a Freebie list — a list where people inside that list expect to receive free stuff over and over again without ever having to purchase anything. You could argue that even a freebie subscriber will turn to a customer if you’ve built a great and trusting relationship with him. Train Your List While that is true, it’s not easy to shift their mindset and attitude from “freebie seekers” to “customers”. A much easier and smarter way to get people to buy your products is to train your freebie list to buy in the EARLY stages of your relationship with them. I’m NOT advocating you to ONLY sell to your list. Of course you need to give them valuable freebies from time to time. However, don’t simply give all the time. Do Some Selling Too! You can provide them with the best freebies or content, but if you don’t sell, you’ll never make a single penny. Now, let me explain why I don’t like ad swaps. Just in case you don’t know what it is, ad swaps is the process whereby Marketer A promotes Marketer B’s freebie by sending his (A) subscribers to B’s squeeze page. B would then return the favor by promoting A’s squeeze page.

In essence, it’s a “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” method of growing each other’s list. This method of building and growing your list was very popular when it first came out. It still is popular today, but much less effective. Initially when there were few marketers engaging in ad swaps, subscribers were excited and happy that they were receiving all these freebies. But as more and more marketers participated in ad swaps, people (subscribers) got tired since they are receiving lots of emails all telling them to go download this and that freebie. A lot of people are on multiple different marketers’ lists, which mean that they receive the SAME emails promoting the SAME freebies. I Used To Participate In Ad Swaps, But Not Anymore. Here’s why I don’t like ad swaps: 1. Since you’re always giving away freebies to your subscribers (you need to if you want to participate in ad swaps), you’re NOT training them to buy. Instead, you’re training them to expect freebies from you. 2. Your subscribers will think less of you and not trust you as much as they used to. Think about it: who in their right mind will open and read your emails if you send them “Here’s my good friend’s freebie, go download it” emails every day? Actually, there are people who will open such emails — beginners who have just got started in internet marketing. I’m not here to bash ad swaps. I know that a lot of successful marketers are still doing it and making huge money out of it. It’s just that for this model to sustain, you need to have fresh new leads coming in every day. And every time fresh new leads come in from ad swaps, you’re compromising your relationship with your older subscribers. For me, instead of getting 50 new subscribers per day from ad swaps, I’d rather get 10 from my own marketing efforts. Ad swaps simply isn’t my cup of tea anymore. I’d rather build a customer list than a freebie list.


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